Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stop hair breakage /Como parar el rompimiento del cabello.

If your hair is breaking it can be to a number factors both external and internal. You can often stop hair breakage by addressing these issues and making the necessary corrections and start the path to long hair 
Stop hair breakage by changing the frequency with which you use of chemicals, dyes, and heat stylers as well as by implementing proper combing and brushing methods. 

  • Take a  multivitamin and eating properly can help stop hair breakage that may be caused by some kind of nutritional deficiency. 
  • Home Remedies are really good to Stop Hair Breakage, choose those with protein
  • Use oils and anti falling Serum right at the roots of you hair with a soft nice massage.
  • The Protein treatment are excellent to restore your hair.
  • Trim your hair
  • Use a Clarify Shampoo or an ACV rinse to give your hair a fresh start, free af buil up.
Here my favorite Protein treatments..


Si tu pelo se te esta saliendo o quebrando puede ser por varios factores, tanto internos como externos. Tu puedes parar esto identificando estos factores y haciendo las correcciones necesarias y así lograr tener un pelo largo y saludable.

Lo primero es parar la frecuencia con la que usas químicos, tintes, secadoras y plancha de pelo, así también como implementando un apropiado peinado y cepillado de tu pelo.

Has click en las fotos de arriba; esos son mis tratamientos de proteínas favoritos


  1. Hey DailyCurlz what is your email address? I just read your comments on your African heritage, very empowering.
