When I first said to my friends in CA what I was about to do they where like..?)(*&^%$#@ really? and one told me that natural hair is not for everybody,. I didn't have any problem with my hair, in fact my hair was long healthy and shinny....almost 3 months ago she came to me telling me that all her hair was falling down so she did the BC read more here .. and I am telling you this to introduce you what Indira owner of Vakano Clothing has become,
a fierce Diva, so much better looking, confidence, fashionable than ever before..
so, before you ever think that natural hair is not for very body THINK TWICE
Yo no siempre tuve la aprobación de mis amigos y familiares cuando deje de martirizar mi pelo con desrizado (no que me importara mucho, jajjajaj) y una hasta dijo que el pelo natural(rizo) no era para todo el mundo. Para ser honesta yo no me deje el pelo al natural por ningún problema, mi pelo estaba largo, saludable y brilloso...hace 3-4 meses mi amiga me dijo que todo su pelo se estaba saliendo y entonces se hiso el GC. lee su historia aqui.
hago este preámbulo para presentarles en lo que se convertido Indira fundadora de Vakano Clothing:
Un imparable Diva, mas hermosa, segura y fashionista ...
Antes de decir que el pelo al natural es no peinarse, desaliñado, una bruja, no para ti, y todas esas *&^^% mas, piénsalo dos veces....
This is great. Thanks @ daily curls for this interesting and practical blog