Thursday, October 6, 2011

easy way to trim your curly hair/Una forma fácil de despuntar el pelo rizo

Always trim your hair often. Damage to your hair will move up from the ends and the only way to stop it in its tracks is to remove it as soon as it happens.

How your know when you need a trim?
You need to trim your hair every 2-3 month
when it get tangle easily.
if you have spit ends..
In my case I been notice that I need one, because, it been more the 3 month after my last trim and because my curls are not so bouncy, check my ends in this picture.

Siempre despunta tu pelo, si tienes las puntas dañadas, este puede dañar todo tu pelo, la unica forma de pararlo es cortando las puntas tan pronto y notes que estan dañada, si han han pasado mas de 3 meses, si el pelo se enreda mucho o si tienes las puntas abiertas o con horquetillas. En mi caso necesitaba un despunte porque tenia mucho desde la ultima vez, porque mis rizos no tienen tanto rebote o bouncy como siempre, mira mis puntas en esta foto 

This is a easy way to trim your hair:
Do at least 8 twist, really tight and stretch it till the ends until your uneven ends pop out.
Haste por lo menos 8 bien apretados twist alargarlos hasta que las puntas salgan.

 And cut it with a hair scissors
 Y cortalas con unas tijeras de cortar pelo..

Do this to all your twists.
Has esto a todos los twists.


  1. That's a good idea. My hair needs trimming and I was dreading it, but now I feel much better. Thank you so much for sharing. You're the best!
